Sunday, May 31, 2009

my dusty blog

Helloooooo Blog! (blowing off the dust)
Alrigh, lets get started.
A week ago, i attend the taylors annual Year 10 camp, and i must confess that it was a life changing experience.

I had to mix new friends to the extend that i know everyone from year 10. Ironically, there there was still one left, a Singaporean. Maybe i was just too shy to provoke her or maybe she kinda reminds me of the ah lians back in home, hey don't get me wrong i love ah lians.
Anywho, then there was the activities, there was the walking on cables and trying to get the entire team to the other side of the platform with the help from TRUST and TEAMWORK, rock climbing, golf, night walk(without torches!) so pitch black couldnt even see the incoming tress BAM! and much more.....
Ok Achievements that i obtain from the Camp:
- Won the instuctor in Golf (over the fence!!)
- Regain my badminton skills in the 7-12 matches of doubles
- Mixing around
- Bath within 10 minutes (with shampoo and Hair wash)
- Won a match of "cao tyti"
- Learn the principals of responsibilties
- Caught a shooting star in sight

its quite a lot actually!

Ok now, what everyone is waiting for, the negative side:
- Dog pooed in my room for 2 days in a row
- Got flu after camp
- Scolded my teacher for making a havoc in bedtime
- In the bus without water for 2hour
- Spill orange drink on my handphone

Statistically, there was more positives! ah....
I was hoping u guys enjoyed the treats : )
Feast ur eye on those!

Photo taking session,everyone was doin this

Rubben! People! The joker that make everyone in the room laugh their lungs out! It isnt his jokes its the way he speaks!!! Rubben ur are my man!
"F%$#^&*#@! bitch!"
"Nuclear bomber"
"People! go to sleep! 1,2,3,5! goodnight mother#$%&@!$"
"What man?" (coming out of the toliet butt naked)

Things that he said!

The Dog poo!! eee. And tats my bed on the top left hand corner. How sweet....

Meet Jennie, she is from vietnan and WOW. What do u think guys?

Lastly, nice head Max. Stuck in this position!

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